mandychick94: hey you
zaxxonq: yes? o_0 who is this?
mandychick94: heyyyy ...sup have we chatted before? 18/female here...u?
zaxxonq: highly doubtful
mandychick94: ah k.. im sorry ..i get to be forgetful at times!! how are u?
zaxxonq: working... •_•
mandychick94: I just got out of the shower...its been kind of a long day been kind of busy! but i'm feeling naughty! so whats up .. do you wanna have some fun?
zaxxonq: no thanks. I'm gay. Vadge makes me gag. >_<
mandychick94: I need a man that can make me squirt...can you make a girl squirt? lols
zaxxonq: Yeah... I feed her Olestra products and Alli pills.
mandychick94: i gotta change my clothes ... want to see ?
zaxxonq: No, I do not wanna see your funky, dirty ass drawers. •_•
mandychick94: dirty can be good
zaxxonq: Yeah, but skid marks are not. •_•
LMFAO ... How do I not remember this one?!?